Our preschool is funded by the NSW Department of Education through the Start Strong initiative.
Funding is targeted to NSW community based preschools for children in the year before school (4 or 5 before 31 July each year), along with 3-5 year old equity children from low income families, with a diagnosed disability, or of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent.
We congratulate the NSW Government for the reintroduction of funding for 3 year olds in 2019.
Fees effective from 29 January 2024 are:
Start Strong subsidised fees
4 & 5 year olds prior to 31Jul each year - $62.50 per day
3 year olds prior to 31Jul each year - $67.50 per day
3 to 5 year old equity (low income, Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander or disability) - $35 per day
From January 2023, families also have the choice to receive a fee subsidy of $4,220 per annum from our preschool. Please note, this subsidy can only be received once at a preschool or long day care centre in NSW, and families declare which service their child will receive the money from if they are attending 2 or more services.
As funding is paid directly from the NSW Department of Education to our preschool, families are unable to access the federal government Child Care Subsidy (CCS) package.
Does your preschool have any vacancies?
Our preschool currently has no vacancies. Please click the “book a tour” button at the top of this page, or complete a waiting list application below.
General intake to our preschool is in January of each year, and our Director will contact the next family on the waiting list when a position becomes available.
Do you charge a waitlist fee?
Our preschool charges a $5 waitlist fee per family. This is a non-refundable charge.
How many days can my child attend your preschool?
In order to maximise the number of children attending our preschool on a weekly basis, our service provides a 2 or 3 day option, as follows:
Mon – Tue
Mon – Tue – Wed
Wed – Thur – Fri, or
Thur - Fri
How old must my child be to begin at your preschool?
Priority is given to children in the year before school (aged 4 or 5 years old). Should vacancies exist, positions may also be given to children who are 3 years of age.
When will your preschool contact me about my child’s waiting list application?
Families are contacted for the following years enrolment in September each year. Should a position come available during the year, the next family on our waiting list will be contacted (using our Priority of Access guidelines). Please ensure your contact details are up-to-date at all times to ensure prompt contact from our preschool.
How do I secure my child’s enrolment?
If you are offered a position for your child, you will be required to pay a 2 week deposit to our preschool within the timeframe advised. This deposit will be applied to your child’s last 2 weeks fees when notice is provided that you are leaving the preschool. Deposits are non-refundable should your child not begin at our preschool.
What fee subsidies are available for my family?
A low income subsidy is available for families who provide a copy of their Centrelink concession card (must show both parent & child names), along with a reduced subsidised fee for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families. Children with diagnosed disabilities also receive additional funding to support their child’s inclusion on receipt of providing assessment and diagnostic paperwork, which includes a reduced fee subsidy.
Families can also access the Start Strong Affordable Preschool fee subsidy of $4,220 at our preschool.
As our preschool is funded by the NSW Government, the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) program, as funded by the federal government is not available to families attending our preschool.
Are meals provided at your preschool?
Meals are not provided in your fees. Families are to pack a healthy morning tea and lunch for their child daily. To support children with allergies and anaphylaxis, our preschool is a nut free service.
What are your preschool’s operating hours?
Our preschool is open from 8.15am-3.45pm, Monday to Friday. We close for school holidays and public holidays.
Please note, no fees are charged during closure periods, including public holidays.