Our Educational Program.
Our program provides a range of planned and spontaneous learning experiences each day.
They aim to provide a balance of experiences including:
Indoor and Outdoor;
Active and passive;
Sensory and hands on;
Individual, small and larger group experiences.
We refer to the range of learning experiences on offer daily as “contexts for learning”. These contexts are adapted and changed throughout the term as the children engage with the learning on offer. Contexts are planned based on the observations we take of the children’s engagement, including their interests, questions, ideas and prior knowledge, along with their individual strengths and abilities. Observations taken of each child (both individual and group) are documented on the online portal Storypark. Learning experiences are play-based which we believe encourages exploration, curiosity and creativity. According to The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) for Australia (2023) ‘when children play with other children and interact with adults, the create relationships and friendships, test out ideas, challenge each other’s thinking and build new understandings’. For this reason, you will find that many of our observations are taken of groups of children, identifying the social contexts of play that is encouraged within our preschool.
The EYLF is a guiding document used to support our educators in their assessment and planning of experiences for the children. The document encompasses Principles and Practices, which are based on contemporary theories and research highlighting how children’s learning occurs during the early childhood years, along with 5 Learning Outcomes which guide the program of learning.
Our educational program aims to develop the whole child, and includes experiences across all learning areas. It is our aim to prepare each child as a confident independent learner, who is curious and creative, develops problem solving abilities through questioning and investigating, shows persistence in their play, can transfer their learning across contexts and resource their own learning. This type of learning is evident across the day as the children participate in projects, explore independently or in collaboration with peers, and create using “loose part” resources, that can be used in a variety of ways and for different purposes.
Our Transition to School Program begins the moment your child enters preschool, regardless of age. Experiences are offered within our daily program, seeking to equip each child with the social and emotional skills they require to make an easy transition into the school environment. Pre literacy and numeracy concepts are included throughout our play based program, with an aim to equip each child with awareness to be built upon on starting Kindergarten.
As a Christian preschool, children also participate in a daily bible story group time program focused on developing children’s listening, attention and communication skills, through a spiritual lens daily. This spiritual program incorporates simple biblical truths through music and a storytelling technique called Godly Play, which focuses on telling the story through words, actions and props. This program aims to emphasise 3 spiritual truths that underpin the program, being:
1. God made me,
2. God loves me &
3. Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
Children participate in a morning grouptime daily at 9.30am, which prepares them for the day ahead and acknowledging country. It is important that your child arrives for this key learning period, where many skills and concepts are taught that are vital to prepare them for their transition to school. This includes sitting, listening, raising their hand to speak and answering questions. Getting used to arriving on time to preschool at a set time will also help to prepare your family for arriving at school in time once they start Kindergarten.
Access to your child’s observations will be made by the Storypark program. You will receive a link when your child begins at the preschool, which will allow you to create an account to view. Storypark can be accessed via the web or by an online portal.A comment feature is provided within each document, and we encourage families to provide your thoughts or ideas to assist in our planning, but also to engage with the educators about any questions you may have about your child’s progress and learning.
Play based learning and the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF).
The learning experiences we provide are play-based which we believe encourages exploration, curiosity and creativity. According to The EYLF for Australia (2009) ‘play-based learning is a context for learning through which children organise and make sense of their social worlds, as they engage actively with people, objects and representations’.
The EYLF is a guiding document used to support our educators in their assessment and planning of experiences for the children. The document encompasses Principles and Practices, which are based on contemporary theories and research highlighting how children’s learning occurs during the early childhood years, along with 5 Learning Outcomes which guide the program of learning.
Children have a strong sense of identity
Children are connected with and contribute to their world
Children have a strong sense of wellbeing
Children are confident and involved learners
Children are effective communicators
Our quality rating under the National Quality Standard (NQS).
Our preschool is assessed as per the NQS, applicable to all early childhood education and care services Australia wide.
As such, these standards guide many decisions and practices which occur in the preschool and underpin a continuous approach to quality improvement in the preschool. The 7 Quality Areas of the NQS are:
Educational program and practice
Children’s health and safety
Physical environment
Staffing arrangements
Relationships with children
Collaborative partnerships with families and communities
Governance and leadership
Our most recent assessment was undertaken in May 2021, where we received a rating of ‘Meeting National Quality Standard’ in all 7 quality areas. We were proud to have achieved an exceeding rating for specific areas such as within our Educational Program and Practice, and relationships with children. Many other elements are well on their way towards moving from Meeting to Exceeding, with a focus on our Quality Improvement Plan moving forward being our collaboration with families and the community.

“Playtime is precious.
Play builds brain pathways for thinking, creativity, flexibility, empathy and many other lifelong skills.”
— Heather Shumaker,
(Author: It’s OK not to share and other renegade rules for raising competent and compassionate kids)